5th International Conference on Spatial Cognition: “Space and Embodied Cognition” – Rome (Italy)
September 4-8, 2012; Rome (Italy)
We are pleased to announce the 5th International Conference on Spatial Cognition (ICSC2012). The conference will take place on September 4-8, 2012, and will be hosted by ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome.
This time the conference will be devoted to Space and Embodied Cognition, thus exploring the links between the general topic of the conference and an emergent paradigm of the cognitive sciences.
In order to facilitate interdisciplinary discussion and spread new, innovative research on spatial cognition, all space-related disciplines and approaches (behavioral, cognitive, computational, developmental, engineering, neuroanatomical, physiological, social, etc.) will be considered.
Further info: ICSC 2012