Dialogues between Theatre and Neuroscience – Rome
11-12-13 April 2012
122, Via dei Volsci, Rome
Fourth International Conference
Dialogues between Theatre and Neuroscience
promoted by Clelia Falletti and Luciano Mariti
organised by Gabriele Sofia
As in the last three years, the University of Rome “La Sapienza” will be hosting artists, performers, directors, scholars and neuroscientists, hailing from various European and American centres of research for the International Conference Dialogues between theatre and neuroscience.
Topics will vary from Theatre anthropology to Ethnoscenology; from studies on mirror neurons to the neuroscience of human interaction; from theories on embodiment to studies on memory in dance, spanning issues related to epistemology, philosophy, pedagogy, theatre-therapy and neuroaesthetics. The programme will be further enriched by performances and work demonstrations. This will be the basis of three days of dialogue, debate and contaminations directed towards a multidisciplinary approach to the study of human interaction in the theatre and the complexity of its processes.
info: http://www.dass.uniroma1.it/neuroscienze/dialoghi_tra_teatro_e_neuroscienze.aspx
Further information:
Gabriele Sofia
+39 349.0863773
Download Press Release and Programme