Arthur M. Jacobs
(Freie Universität Berlin)
Deborah Jenson
(Duke University)
Helmut Leder
(University of Vienna)
Gabrielle Starr
(New York University)
Mark Turner
(Case Western Reserve University)
Semir Zeki
(University College London)
Roundtable Respondents
Alexander Bergs (University of Osnabrück), Lorella Bosco (University of Bari), Nicola Laneri (University of Catania), Jana Lüdtke (Freie Universität Berlin), Pierre-Louis Patoine (University Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3), Theresa Sylvester (Freie Universität Berlin), Hannah C. Wojciehowski (University of Texas at Austin)Andrea Binelli (University of Trento), Silvia Bonacchi (University of Warsaw), Alessandro Fambrini (University of Pisa), Massimo Salgaro (University of Verona).
Renata Gambino, Giovanni Gallo, Daniela Giordano, Grazia Pulvirenti, Giuseppe Spoto, Mario Zappia, Federica Abramo, Salvatore Arcidiacono, Mariaelisa Dimino Elena Maita.
Federica Abramo (
Renata Gambino (

NHS 2016
Third International Neurohumanities Dialogue
Ars et Ingenium
the Processes of Imagination
May 26, 27, 28, 2016
NewHums Research Center – Neurocognitive and Humanities Studies
International NeuroHumanities Studies Network
Lamberto Puggelli Foundation
Department of Humanities
University of Catania
The NewHums Research Center – Neurocognitive and Humanities Studies of the University of Catania (Italy), the International NeuroHumanities Studies Network and the Lamberto Puggelli Foundation are proud to announce the Third NeuroHumanities Dialogue, “Ars et Ingenium: the Processes of Imagination”, which is going to take place on May 26, 27 and 28, 2016 at the Benedictine Monastery of Piazza Dante, Catania (Italy), with the participation of the most important scholars working on this topic, such as Semir Zeki and Mark Turner among many others prominent researchers.
After an inspiring and ground-breaking First NeuroHumanities Dialogue about “Neuroaesthetics and Cognitive Poetics” at the University of Catania in 2014, and a Second NeuroHumanities Dialogue on “Metaphors as source of Creative Thought” in 2015, the third edition of the Dialogue (organized by The NewHums Research Center – Neurocognitive and Humanities Studies, directed by Grazia Pulvirenti, and the International NeuroHumanities Studies Network, directed by Grazia Pulvirenti and Renata Gambino from the University of Catania), will be focused on the cognitive value and neural processes of Imagination. Art in general, and literature in particular, are a favoured object to reflect meta-critically upon the “imaginative processes” of imagination as a complex multimodal and emergent phenomenon implying cognitive and emotional activations.
Thus, this year dialogue will address relevant questions of the recent discussion about imagination, such as: its cognitive value and the concomitant neural processes; the reason why imagination is such an important factor in human experience; how imagination arises in the human, how it can be measured and improved.
Keynote speakers of the “Dialogue” 2016 are
- On afternoon May 26
Semir Zeki, neurobiologist and founder of Neuroaesthetics from University College of London;
Mark Turner, cognitive scientist and founding director of the Cognitive Science Network from Case Western Reserve University
- On morning May 27
Deborah Jenson, humanities scholar and coordinator of the NeuroHumanities Research Group of Duke University;
Arthur M. Jacobs, experimental and neurocognitive psychologist from Free University of Berlin
- On afternoon May 27
Helmut Leder, Head of the Department of Basic Psychological Research and Research Methods at the University of Vienna;
Gabrielle Starr, Dean of the College of Arts and Science at New York University
The peculiarity of the meeting relies on its format: a real dialogue between two keynote speakers each session and invited scholars from international institutions, who will join the dialogue as discussants during the conference days and the final round-table of the 28th May.
The convention is going to take place at the Palazzo del Rettorato of Piazza Università on the 26th May, and it is going to continue at the Benedictine Monastery, historic site in Catania, which today hosts the Department of Humanities (DISUM) of the University of Catania.
For further information, please visit
NewHums Research Center – Neurocognitive and Humanities Studies
International NeuroHumanities Studies Network
Department of Electric, Electronic and Computer Engineering
Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences
Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences
Department of Chemical Sciences
Department of Humanities
University of Catania
Lamberto Puggelli Foundation
Giovanni Gallo, Renata Gambino, Daniela Giordano, Grazia Pulvirenti, Giuseppe Spoto, Mario Zappia
Grazia Pulvirenti and Renata Gambino
NewHums Research Center – Neurocognitive and Humanities Studies
International NeuroHumanities Studies Network
Department of Humanities
Monastero dei Benedettini
Piazza Dante, 32 – 95124 Catania
Administrative Office
Federica Abramo (
Foundation Administrative Office
Elena Maita (