Here you can find titles and links to the last papers in our archive:
Grazia Pulvirenti, Renata Gambino, Neurohermeneutics. A Transdisciplinary Approach to Literature 2019.
Grazia Pulvirenti, Renata Gambino, The Neurohermeneutics of Suspicion. A Theoretical Approach 2019.
Renata Gambino, Grazia Pulvirenti, The paradox of Romantic ekphrasis. Metacritic discourse, perception and imagination in art descripti 2017.
Federica Abramo, Renata Gambino, Grazia Pulvirenti, Cognitive Literary Anthropology and Neurohermeneutics. A theoretical Proposal 2017.
Arthur M. Jacobs, Winfried Menninghaus, Oliver Lubrich, Ulrike Altmann, Isabel C. Bohrn, When we like what we know – A parametric fMRI analysis of beauty and familiarity 2013.
Gemma Di Stefano, Emotions 2016.
Denise Cosentino, Psicopatologie della coscienza nelle letterature tedesca e inglese 2016.
Sam Yin, Movement and Perception 2015.
Laura Herman, Mind Reading and Face Reading 2015. Laura Herman, The Intersection of Science and Art 2015.
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