Call for papers: cognitive grammar in literature, University of Nottingham, UK
Call for papers for a one-day symposium and edited book volume
Within cognitive poetics, the close stylistic analysis of literary texts has been relatively neglected in favour of more conceptual aspects of worlds, framing, foregrounding and deictic positioning. More broadly in cognitive literary studies, the centrality of textuality and texture is also in danger of being forgotten. This symposium invites contributions applying different aspects of cognitive and construction grammars to the analysis of literary texts and readings. Participants should focus a 20 minute paper on a specific application of a literary text and reading. The aim will be to establish the utility of cognitive grammar in the service of literary stylistics.
The symposium will be restricted to 10 papers and no more than 25 participants. Papers should be submitted in revised written form within two months of the symposium, for publication in a thematic book collection.
The symposium is supported by
PALA – the Poetics and Linguistics Association
CRAL – Centre for Research in Applied Linguistics (10th anniversary event)
Friday 1st February 2013: 9am – 5pm
School of English
University of Nottingham, UK
By October 31st 2012, please send a short abstract of up to 150 words, specifying the literary text for analysis and which aspect of cognitive grammar will form the basis of the paper. If you would like to participate without presenting a paper, please also reply by this date to: – we will notify participants by mid-November. There will be a £20 participation fee to cover lunch and refreshments.
Chloe Harrison
Louise Nuttall
Peter Stockwell
Wenjuan Yuan