Cognitive Futures in the Humanities Symposium
Saturday 28 April 2012, Sutherland Building (Great Hall)
What have the arts and humanities learned from the cognitive science revolution? How far have we evolved new knowledge and models in areas such as literary, aesthetic and historical analysis in connection with cognitive paradigms? What future possibilities lie open for the analysis of culture and cultural objects using concepts from cognitive science?
Speakers include:
Alan Richardson (Boston College)
Mark Turner (Case Western Reserve)
David Miall (University of Alberta)
Ellen Spolsky (Bar Ilan University)
This symposium marks the launch of a new AHRC-funded interdisciplinary network for researchers working across the cognitive sciences and the arts and humanities. There will be panels on: mind, body and technology; empirical aesthetics; language, culture and complexity; and beyond narratology. The day will conclude with a roundtable discussion.
Attendance is free; all welcome. For further details visit <> or email Dr Peter Garratt ( to indicate you wish to attend.