Neuro Humanities Studies

Papers tagged with: "Literature"

Mark Turner, Gilles Fauconnier, A Mechanism of Creativity .

Massimo Salgaro, The Text as a Manual. Some Reflections on the Concept of Language from a Neuroaesthetic Perspective 2009.

David S. Danaher, Cognitive Poetics and Literariness: Metaphorical Analogy in Anna Karenina .

David S. Miall, Anticipation and Feeling in Literary Response: A Neuropsychological Perspective 1995.

David S. Miall, Empowering the reader: Literary response and classroom learning 1996.

Francis F. Steen, Alan Richardson, Literature and the Cognitive Revolution: An Introduction 2002.

David S. Miall, Episode structures in literary narratives 2004.

Seana Coulson, Cristóbal Pagán Cánovas, Understanding Timelines: Conceptual Metaphor and Conceptual Integration 2012.

Don Kuiken, David S. Miall, A feeling for fiction: becoming what we behold 2002.

Margaret H. Freeman, The Fall of the Wall between Literary Studies and Linguistics: Cognitive Poetics 2009.

Renata Gambino, Grazia Pulvirenti, Imagination as Poetics of Cognition 2013.

Marco Caracciolo, Patterns of cognitive dissonance in readers’ engagement with characters 2013.

Gabriela Tucan, Cognitive Poetics: Blending Narrative Mental Spaces. Self-Construal and Identity in Short Literary F 2013.

Margaret H. Freeman, The poem as complex blend: conceptual mappings of metaphor in Sylvia Plath’s ‘The Applicant’ 2005.

Anatole Pierre Fuksas, The Embodied Novel 2008.

Marco Iacoboni, Deborah Jenson, Literary Biomimesis: Mirror Neurons and the Ontological Priority of Representation 2011.

Massimo Salgaro, Stories without Words: Narratives of the Brain 2009.

Don Kuiken, David S. Miall, The form of reading: empirical studies of literariness 1998.

Jerry R. Hobbs, Will Robots Ever Have Literature? 1993.

Elisabetta Vinci, Il teatro epico di Brecht al banco di prova dell’Einfühlung e dei neuroni specchio 2012.

Michael Burke, The neuroaesthetics of prose fiction: pitfalls, parameters and prospects 2015.

Arthur M. Jacobs, Neurocognitive poetics: methods and models for investigating the neuronal and cognitive-affective ba 2015.

Arthur M. Jacobs, Roel M. Willems, Caring About Dostoyevsky: The Untapped Potential of Studying Literature 2016.

Arthur M. Jacobs, Winfried Menninghaus, Oliver Lubrich, Ulrike Altmann, Isabel C. Bohrn, When we like what we know – A parametric fMRI analysis of beauty and familiarity 2013.

Federica Abramo, Renata Gambino, Grazia Pulvirenti, Cognitive Literary Anthropology and Neurohermeneutics. A theoretical Proposal 2017.

Renata Gambino, Grazia Pulvirenti, The paradox of Romantic ekphrasis. Metacritic discourse, perception and imagination in art descripti 2017.

Grazia Pulvirenti, Renata Gambino, The Neurohermeneutics of Suspicion. A Theoretical Approach 2019.

Grazia Pulvirenti, Renata Gambino, Neurohermeneutics. A Transdisciplinary Approach to Literature 2019.


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